
Showing posts from May, 2013

What Are You Training For?

The question is a common one, especially from those that know your drive and motivation when it comes to sports and fitness. It usually is asked right after "How are the kids?" "How was your last event?" Then you know it's coming, you know they are going to ask. This is where the emotions come in. You are either giddy with excitement to tell them "what you are training for" or you are dreading the question "what are you training for." Giddy, because you are ready to embark on the training journey that you will travel preparing to peak at the precise time of the event that you want to share with them you have committed to do. Or, dreading, because you have chosen not to put anything on the calendar and will miss that day to day grind of focus, accountability and fortitude it takes to be "training" for something. I am currently in the later shoes. There is nothing on my calendar that I have committed to for the first time in 24 month...