
Showing posts from January, 2011

Life's Best Laughs are at Ourselves!


It Is That Time of Year!

Training for Ironman Texas has begun! It is kind of like an event in itself; you know you're on holiday; you know you haven't had that fine-tuned mission - but you know its coming soon! And now it's here. You wake up in anticipation; you have a plan; you have a goal and the ball starts rolling once that calendar turns to the first day of the new training cycle. Finally. Its a love/hate relationship. You LOVE what it does for you; you love how it makes you feel - tired, hungry, spent, but improving with every day. You DREAD what you have to do, but LOVE it all in the same breath - getting up early, going to bed early, having to say no to social fun, juggling husband/kids/cooking/sleeping/playing/training. People think you are crazy - but you are, aren't you? Crazy for the journey, the scheduling, the planning, the pursuit of a stronger (mentally, physically and spiritually) YOU! The first IM I trained for I felt it was more "my deal". It kind of left me with mo...