Life After IM

First, a huge shout out to all my friends, family (and new friends I've acquired through my blog ;-) for all the prayers, love, texts, messages, emails, posts, phone calls and good ju ju you sent me before, during and after IM. WOW. I've never felt so connected to such a wonderful group of people in my life. You were great therapy and made the whole IM experience so fun. THANK YOU. Now, about those "Now What?" questions. Wulp, good question. I was truly expecting about 2 weeks of being tired, burned out, overtrained, hungry and sore, simply wanting to lay on the couch and get up only when the words "momma" came a callin'. Well, I got the momma words, but none of the other stuff ever showed up...haven't been sore, I'm always hungry and most importantly, never felt burned out. I did get about 48 hours of grogginess at the end of last week, but being back home in the every day shuffle was EXHAUSTING! (ok, and I do admit, teaching class last Monday m...