Keeping The Edge!

Countdown to Ironman Kona has begun. Thirteen Weeks. That's going to be almost 400 miles of running, 65 swimming, and over 2,200 of cycling (eek! really??) And knowing me, probably about 6.5 yeast infections (sorry, but it's true ;-) And if you're my friend Justyne, and counting, should be about 227,500 calories taken in - minimally! But wait! This isn't about the have to's and must do's - is it?? Well, I just realized for the past 6 weeks it has been, but it shouldn't be. I just got my jolt. It's time to get fired up and ready. For the right reasons. For about 6 weeks I've focused on the first paragraph. What it's going to take, the schedule I'm going to have to create, the juggling I'm going to have to pursue, and the job I'm going to have to do to "get 'er done". That doesn't sound like ANY FUN! Then why the heck am I doing it?!? Because I can. I am able. I will become stronger because of it - mentally an...