Ready to Jump.

It's been an amazing summer with so many lives that have touched ours. We've definitely had our share of summertime fun. Steve and I have enjoyed many sunrise ski rides (when the fog has not interfered ;-) and when it has, we've taken to the tranquility of our stand and paddle boards and snuck shoreline through the fog and over the silent waters after dawn. The boys have taken to the lake this summer, skiing, wakeboarding, riding the wakesurf boards and learning to barefoot on the boom - it's been an almost daily occurence, teaching us, as we've spent hours and hours pulling them, that you have to be careful what you ask for ;-)

Through it all we've been humbled by the lives that have intersected with ours, the stories each of those lives brings to our friendship. We spent one day on the lake serving families with challenged kids and were blessed to spend the day with a family with two autistic boys. "We've learned not to be frustrated by their autism, but to feel blessed to be in the presence of two young people who we can learn from daily because they are wired differently than us," their parents told us as they swam, tubed and drove the boat with their precious kiddos. We were awestruck with skiing with foster families for two days who spend their lives hosting youth, most of whom have already experienced more pain and isolation than I can comprehend in all my years. But these selfless "mommas and pappas" have hearts and souls that create real homes for these kids and are making life changing differences for them.

I've had the opportunity to train and workout beside individuals from all walks of life - those working hard for a goal event, those working hard to live healthier and longer, those NOT working hard and enjoying every minute of it! :-) I've seen momma's and dad's working out together, momma's and kiddos working out together, momma's crossing finish lines with their first time triathlete daughters, couples juggling work, life and kids so they can all stay active and workout with people they enjoy, friends prodding friends to keep working out so they can keep their sanity through tough times. I've had the joy of seeing people take action and improve their health, their families' health, their friends health and touch so many lives around them because of it. And I've been one of the lives you have touched because of the sweet community you all have become. You can't put a price on what that does to health and longevity. You all have inspired me in your own special way. Thank you.

We were able to help with the Brent Thurman Memorial Bullriding event in honor of a sweet, sweet cowboy friend that lost his life 15 years ago at the National Finals Rodeo. Brent's passion was also challenged youth and adults and seeing the grins at the Special Rodeo beat any cowboy's grin after riding 8 seconds. Priceless.

Dam That Cancer took us and about 18 other paddleboards 21 miles dam to dam on Lake Austin supporting LAF and the needs of families enduring the pain and turmoil that cancer can cause. Paddling that distance with friends and strangers, each with their own stories of why they are there and why the cause is heartfelt to them makes any endurance activity become seamless. Again, I'm humbled by what others have endured and how their strength through it can touch so many lives - especially my own. Thank you for the inspiration.

Cancer has been in and out of our lives - and even back in with some - all summer as I'm sure it has for most everyone. Dear friends have been diagnosed, family members of friends have been diagnosed, friends of friends have been diagnosed. Again, the strength, positive attitudes and perseverance I've witnessed and shared with some has silenced any life complaints or hardships I may have wanted to utter. I am awed by so many friends who lives have been directly impacted by cancer and they have risen above and beyond with a purpose far greater than themselves to go touch other lives. Mike Thompson - IronMan2B, Team In Training & book in progress; Lydia Miller -; Mark Garza - Dam That Cancer. When you could have curled up or disappeared you looked it in the eye and created a mission out of it. You are touching countless lives - mine included. Thank you.

So its now time for me to "Jump" again. I've done it. Pushed "send" for Ironman Texas, May 21, 2011. And how does that fit into this laundry list of lives being touched? Because none of us are meant to just sit in place stagnated by fear of any sort. We are all meant to "Jump". I believe God wants us to all get out of our comfort zones to become more of the person He aspires for us to be. Whether we are pushed off the ledge by a medical condition, a family situation, a life change - or quite frankly because we got up and chose to "Jump" - we all have to look fear in the eye and make a decision. We can sit in place and go through our list of "fears", "anger" or "what if's", or we can be pro-active and see what else life has to offer and how we can grow from it - and most importantly, whose lives might be touched by it. Jump.


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