What A Day!!

Ironman Kona 2013...got 'er done!! And it really was quite enjoyable!! The day clipped along at a steady pace, it never felt endless, and I never got miserable! Check!! At 12 midnight the morning of the event I woke up and never returned to sleep. Apprehension. Nerves. Anxiety. I just needed to get this thing going. At 4:15 I officially started getting ready and we left for the pier at 5. I didn't see the Sherpas who had left prior to us (was this a hint of the day to come??) Steve and I parted ways, both teary eyed and emotional. There is something about that moment, all the training, all the sacrifices, all the dedication and determination, that brings out inner rawness. Time to bring it to fruition. Body marking, chip check, bag check, sunscreen, bike prep, bathroom....it was getting close to game time. I realized that once the canons went off and I got in motion the nerves would go away and auto pilot would calm me. And it did. At 7am with helicopters whirling overhead, lou...