Starting and Ending in the Water

We all started our first day in Kona at the beach! Dig Me Beach, the official start of the Ironman swim. Some of us because we wanted to swim distance, some because they wanted to beat the hyperventilation blues that occur with open water swimming, one because his wife made him, and several to swim to the famous Ironman espresso bar (see top pics). 

After a successful swim by all (meaning we all made it back to dry ground without drowning) we hit the town, eating, going to expo, going to bars, and repeating the scenario most of the day! 

I had a bike ride to get in, and after the great guys from Felt got my bike fixed up, I was off for a ride out the famous Queen K Hwy. it was as hot, humid and windy as always, but the ride was great. Cyclists running and biking everywhere, getting in last day training sessions.

We all wrapped up had about 30' to change and headed out to the marina for a night snorkel with the manta rays. There is a ledge near the airport that is the deepest off any US shoreline, 6-7000' that provides rich plankton and nutrients the mantas like to feed on. And they were feeding in force. It was as breathtaking as I remember! There were 30 mantas counted and they danced, glided, and rolled their way all around and under us the entire time. Truly one of the most magical encounters with any animals I have ever experienced.

We made our way back to the docks by the light of the sliver of a moon (and one if us - AF - a little woozier than the rest) and wrapped up our day.

First day in Kona. Check!


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