What Is Your Rock?

I've biked, run, ridden horses and hiked this trail my entire life. And on every excursion throughout my half century life, I've either hurdled, bounded, carried my bike or lowered my horses head to give him rein to cross the same rock. Year after year after year.  ​

It's passable. Maneuverable. Jumpable. But it's always anticipated, always awaited, knowing it has to be navigated with a bit of caution hit it on the fly and keep moving. 

Two months ago I took it - step, jump, launch. Vault. Land. And it dawned on me "The Rock" has been here my entire life. A life that has seen love, accomplishment, loss, pain, change, injury, new generations, lost generations, lost friends. And that rock is still there. Just like the trail. My rock. My go to. Where I release, find solace, escape and ground in what is right, what is good, what is real, what is bigger than me that gives me purpose, hope and a larger connection. 

I've run this trail in exuberance, in tears, in a quandary, in celebration. And through it all I've had My Rock. My foundation to reset, remind and reconnect to continue down this trail of life.


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