GET OUT | A Conde Nast 2020 Top 10 Wellness Trend

I have spent my entire life in nature and on the lake. Naturally drawn to "something" magical, peaceful, inspiring about both. Whether it is running with abandon through the woods on my favorite trail - or paddling, boating, surfing or skiing on this amazing lake I call home - I now have to wonder, "Why are people just now talking about the wellness effects of being in nature and on the water?"
Our culture is in the midst of a mental wellness revival. Reviving our minds, hearts, spirits - our souls. We are getting buried - mentally and emotionally with the crisis - with everything we are bombarded with in our society. More, More, More. And under constant mental and emotional stimulation. Technology, connectivity, stress, anxiety, FOMO, exclusion, judgement, exhaustion - the list goes on.
So why, in 2020, are powerhouses such as the Global Wellness Organization, Conde Nast Traveler, HuffPost, etc - together voicing that Nature and (Blue Mind) Water - are top ten wellness trends?
It's simple. They're simple. They're accessible. They're organic. They connect us to the Awe and Wonder of Life - to something that is bigger and greater than us ~ and they are timeless.
This has been the roots of GET OUT through our time as well. There is something so powerful about the ability to Get Out, Get Active and Get Connected through nature and on the water. It is a natural remedy to move us, help us unlock, disconnect, yet reconnect. And what if, something this simple, organic, accessible, timeless and real could just maybe, possibly be the answer for some? What if we share this natural remedy and it becomes someone's medicine - instead of alcohol, prescription drugs, addictions. What if sitting in solace on a beach, going for a paddle, surf sess or quiet walk (forest bathing as the fitfluencers now call it) is someone's medicine? And what if we help provide those opportunities for our community, friends, first responders, military, youth burdened with cutting, bullying, anxiety?
What if it works - and for those, their loved ones, their family, community - we support them, encourage them, give them ways, to GET OUT instead? What if they don't have to deal with those "darker" alternatives that could have become - or used to be - their "medicine"?
What if we all intentionally share the "medicine", the movement, to GET OUT? As a top global wellness trend, having this simple medicine in the palm of our hand could actually be the secret that we haven't talked about for decades until now.
Conde Nast Traveler 2020 Top Wellness Trends
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