Enduring the Desert Heat While Running River Road in Big Bend Ranch State Park

Well, kind of thought I'd be focusing more on lake and family time for Summer 2011 - at least until I got closer to the September World 70.3 Championships in Vegas. However, ending up on the podium at IMTx kind of changed all of that. God's plans continue to surprise me - and keep my life quite full - but I wouldn't have it any other way than His!!

I've had 2 weeks of minimal workouts, sleeping in and basically "no schedule" other than coaching and family commitments. I think that's been the nicest thing - none of that looming "head chatter" of what training needs to be done, how many workouts for that day and how to juggle them between other commitments. There are only so many hours in the day and many days leading up to IMTx, between kids, school, coaching and family commitments, I literally could have used a few more hours on several days.

But summer is here and with that a "lighter" family schedule. I have discovered that the "head chatter" of workouts effects me more than my family. I let that conversation sometime consume my focus and then think my workouts are conflicting with family time. My "balancer", Steve, has reminded me on numerous occasions that is not true, and most days my training isn't even recognized by the kids because its either early morning before they're even up (nor is the sun!) or during times when they are enjoying other things, in which case, I'm "highly encouraged" to go train ("please, Mom!" ;-)

Before IMTx we had made plans to go with some friends to Big Bend for some outdoor adventure and the Fest Out West music festival. I was TOTALLY looking forward to the time away because in my book that meant IMTx was over and I would be enjoying some Shiner Bock, mountain biking and sitting around the desert pool.

Well, I got part of it right. We drove to Lajitas yesterday - for all of the above but now I'd need to "pepper" a little training in. Kelly's still keeping my schedule on the "low down" which makes it "mentally" a bit easier to take some time away with family. So yesterday morning we left Austin around 9:30 for the road trip to Lajitas. Hmm....still had two road rides and two runs to get in for the week. So how does one road trip with family while now preparing for the granddaddy of triathlon events....wulp, load up your trainer and your road bike and get your trainer ride in WHILE road tripping with family in the RV! And that's what happened. Between movies, trying to find cell service, board games and good books, I "rode my bike" from Sonora to Ft Stockton - on my trainer in the RV! I was very torn about doing it, asking Steve if I was "off the deep end" simply making efficient use of my time. Neither one of us could figure out the answer, so we just went with it. Oh the things that you do once the fear of Kona is looming on the horizon!

It actually was good training for Kona. While perched on my trainer between the shower and bathroom doors in the RV, I could see the road coming out me through the front window, feel the bumps and "chatter" of the chip sealed asphalt on the road, and use lots of body english o stay on my bike with the sway of the motorhome moving in the horrible wind. It was actually a great outdoor simulation! While bracing myself from falling over while Steve battled the horrible West Texas desert winds, the whole fam-damily was entertained while blazing a trail to Lajitas (yes, I'm certain you're thinking we could add a chapter to your favorite "Griswold's" or "RV" movie scenes!)

The music has been great as has the heat and arid climate of this desolate part of Texas. The early mornings and night are amazing - low 60's with light breezes and humidity around 10%. The pools are even cool from the nighttime lows here! But mid-day is what makes you wonder how the locals do it....brutal heat and dry breezes. I knew this would be a great place to kick off my summer "heat training" so after a morning of mountain biking and hiking with the kids, I planned on a 5 mile run during peak heat.

And that it was. 106 degrees in the shade at 1:10 when I left. Taking a right on the main road through Lajitas, I dropped off onto the radiating black top of River Road, coined by many as one of the most scenic roads in the country. It parallels the Rio Grande River and winds its way up, down and through some of the most scenic mountains and canyons in Texas through Big Bend Ranch State Park. Amazing country. Amazing heat. As I ran along the Rio Grande the small shacks and shanties of Mexico were within a 100 yards from me, just across the river from the bigger, more well-built homes of the US. Humbling. It makes so many other things pale in comparison to the reality of the endless list of social and political issues that represents.

Five tough miles later I realized the value - and misery - of intense heat training. Kind of made me long for the humidity in Austin ;-) And definitely made me appreciate - and respect - the road to come while preparing for Kona.

But for now, back to the cool waters of the pool to manage through the relentless afternoon heat of the rest of this day - "got my toes in the water" and a "cold beer" in my hand - and life is good today.
Vaya con Dios....and thank you, Zac Brown - for keeping me company on River Road!


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