You Have A Year To Live

It was one year ago this morning that I was taken out by a car while riding my bike. Though battered, twisted and bruised, for some reason greater than myself, I was one of the cycling miracle' situations that walked out of ER counting my blessings. It gave me a perspective of not wasting time or letting time waste me. Although I have never taken life for granted, I chose to become a bit more intentional of 'living my years'. I had realized how abruptly life as I knew it could change and instead of having someone assign my fate to me, I committed myself to become more planful and indeed make this 'one year to live.' At 5:30 workout this morning I shared with the group that it was my one year anniversary and I was thankful to be 'enjoying the morning' with them. My girlfriend was silent for a second and then spouted out from the group, "You sure have done a lot in a year." It took me by surprise for a moment while I thought about it. Yes, I guess I ...