Let The Games Begin!

We are officially enroute to Kona and I still can't believe it! Well, except for the approximately 150 pounds of gear we checked at the airport and the 3 days of 'trying' to get ready to leave and never really 'quite' being prepared to leave - I really can't believe we are headed to Kona.

Steve and I both have been at time warp speed for the past two weeks getting business, classes, teams, kids, co-workers, church groups, nonprofit causes, soccer, homeschooling, and who knows what we forgot..wrapped up to leave. Kelly had once told me that sometimes it is best to get to an out of town event early if for no other reason than to get away from all the hustle and bussle of home and rest. After what we have been doing lately, I totally agree.

Rest came once we stepped on the plane in Austin. I manuevered into my window seat, leaving the armrest up for Steve to follow me in. I cozied into my seat while Steve wedged his butt into a seat made for someone half his size, while apologizing to the woman on the other side of him profusely. His knees slid down the seatback in front of him until they came to rest indented into the cushion beneath the butt in front of him. As he wiggled and fidgeted his way to some kind of comfort zone, I, on the other hand, put my headset on, dialed in a nice, mellow station, put my cozy (goofy) little neck pillow on, dropped my Oakleys back on my face, and Buenos Noches. See ya in Cali.

I woke up 2.5 hours later to Steve staring at me with a somewhat sarcastic, yet dazed look on his face as we taxied down the runway. "You missed the whole thing, didn't you?" He asked. Looking probably as dazed as he was, I confirmed what he asked. "Yes, I guess since I have no idea what you are talking about."

"I had horrible hamstring cramps during that flight and I had no room or any place to go to get them out. I was wedged; I couldn't move, stand or turn as they came like waves up the back of my legs."

Oh, dear. Ironman Sherpa cramping has already begun!


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