It Could Have Been A Heron!

Last night was chilly, not cold, but just cool enough. Steve and I had cracked our lakeside bedroom door a couple inches to let Mother Nature chill the house to a good sleeping temperature. And it worked. I was sleeping the best I had in days...until 3:10am. A horrible, unfamiliar beeping went ballistic in our bedroom. In the dark, I rolled towards Steve, subliminally glaring, as I thought one of his watches has been set by accident and his alarm was going off. When I rolled through the covers, they lifted a smidge and to my dismay it was MY watch alarm. Oops. That was supposed to be set to 3:10 PM to remind Cade of his live lesson. Glad I didn't lash out at Steve! ;-)

Many minutes later, back to sleep. Until 5:55. Steve's cell phone starts ringing. I knew his ring, so it was fine to silently glare beneath my eyelids. Off he dashed to get it. When he returned he tells me he thought it was ME calling him! When he had heard the alarm earlier he thought I had left (for some unknown activity or training he told 3:10????) Anyway, after seeing a 910 area code, he realized I couldn't have gotten that far in 2 1/2 hours I guess, so realized it wasn't me. Wrong number. Back to bed he shuffles.

Oh, well. Not much longer to sleep anyway. The spa had booked a 'VIP' 7am sculling appointment for me, so dare I be late. After sculling I had to leave straight to the gym for an 8:30 training session and then to teach a 9:45 cycle class. So I went ahead and rolled out of bed. After a quick bite of yogurt and a few details around the house, I was packed up to move on with my day.

Luckily, the spa is only 5 minutes by car (6 by paddle board ;-) so the commutes not too bad. I headed to their dock, set up the scull and a kayak and waited for the VIP. And waited. And waited. At 7:20 I decided to take the boat for a spin. Back by the docks at 7:30. No VIP. Oh, well. Stuff happens. My Gain, though. Mornings like this are spectacular on the lake and being gifted with some extra time to get on the water is a blessing. No show or not.

In an effort to slow down my already 'dysfunctional' morning that started at 3:10 am, I headed to the dock to get to the gym before 8:30. My friend Winston greeted me and kindly came down to help get the boat racked. We were hunkered down side by side taking the rigging off, when 'SPLAT!' a plop of yellow and white bird poo landed on my shoulder. I looked over at it and said an unkindly. ' I think I just got $&@¥# on, Winston!' He searched the sky and said, "You sure did! I have never seen that happen! Boy, you are off to a bad day!"

With a big smile I giggled, 'That was a little bird! It could have been a heron!'

And thank goodness that whipped my perpective in shape for the day. I left the spa for my 25 minute drive to the gym and 45 minutes later found myself only 6 miles down the road sitting on a shut down highway (car accident). I turned around and took the 'long cut'. I also missed my 8:30 training 40 minutes, but finally got to my destination after an hour and twenty-five minutes.

With a smile.

Because it could have been a heron.


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