I Feel What You're Saying

Anchoring in today to:


Can you say times are stressful? Understatement. Everyone's living their own story right now. Yes, there's a global picture of stress and strife that connects each of us, but there are so many stories being written as each of us takes our individual journey through this.

Each person in our HOME is experiencing something different, the common denominator being this global crisis and how it has enveloped our lives. I could write the list of "inconveniences", fears, concerns, uncertainties, wishes, desires, anger - the list could go on and on. 
But we all share the same list. 

Our HOME is no different than many of yours. Our senior is disappointed, sad, inquisitive, mad - all in the same instance. Our college age son is concerned, curious, stressed, displaced - constantly in flux without his own household items, college needs, his school "family" and friends. My husband - trying to hold a small business together, try to keep revenue coming in, wanting to keep employees on payroll and benefits, help them support their families, even a newborn on the way. 
Same lists I'm sure; different households.

What I'm feeling and learning is that almost any words that are verbalized in our household are enveloped in all of the above. The heart of what the intent of what my family is trying to say is shrouded in the anguish of all of the above.

So I'm working on doing my best to LISTEN today.

Not the specific words that are being verbalized. But the emotions, feelings, thoughts surrounding them. Listen. With my own heart, my own soul. To use all my senses: look, listen, feel. The depair that is surrounding each subject makes each conversation two-fold. The intent, and then the meaning. The intent is usually the facts, the meaning is how they are feeling.


With my eyes, my own heart, my ears, my own feelings.

Sometimes it is not even the real question that needs the attention. The true need for what is stirring their soul may not even be what they are verbally asking; the words flowing out are instead a vent for releasing "something" that is brewing inside them.


Ask questions. Sit calmly. Make eye contact. Look into the "windows of their soul". Smile. 
Unplug. Focus. Be Present.


And feel for them and with them.


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