I Will Not Let This Define Me

Image result for josh sweeney sled hockey

Anchoring in with today's word:

I woke up this morning at my typical 4:45am - with the normal debate: silently squeak outside and start working out, hit "start" on the espresso machine, or roll over and think for the next couple hours.

So I rolled over (preferable to catching the discerning eye later from husband on what continues to drive me to be active daily - after 31 years of marriage you think he'd know ;-)

As I lay there, I focused on what word would come to me this morning to anchor me through another day of the unseen, unknown, uncertainties. (See yesterday's Blog: "I Don't Know.") Several words came to mind, but they also "ghosted" rather quickly, so I knew those weren't choosing me today. What I knew and intuitively felt was that I was feeling led to be in the moment today, to not let debate, assumptions, data, or potential distract me. I knew today I wanted to really "experience" today. Not let external forces bombard me, sabotage my day, my one and only March 22, 2020.

A short while later, I gave in to the move bar and jumped on the treadmill for an interval run when I happened to turn on Champion Within - a very inspiring, NBC Sunday morning TV show. I had Spotify beating in my ears but was visually tuned into the screen in front of me and the closed captions scrolling by. I was immediately humbled when on the screen were three USA Sled Hockey players: each war veterans, each grinning ear to ear and between the three of them a total count of six prosthetic legs. And they'd all three experienced a renewed life and purpose through the sport of Sled Hockey.

As I watched them, in sudden awe of the journey each of them must have traveled, and with gut wrenching admiration of an incalculable amount of grit, perseverance and determination. I saw their youth, new found health and willpower shining through, as the three of them stood proud and fulfilled on their highly technical carbon limbs, and the closed caption at the bottom of the screen once again scrolled:

"I will not let this situation DEFINE me."

I felt immediate humility. That was it. DEFINE. It found me. The perfect word to ground me into the moment. To help me make wise choices, decisions and executions to make the most of every moment today. I have the power to not let the global crisis define me, my moments, my family, my actions - let alone my day.

So today, I anchored my thoughts, my focus, my actions around DEFINE. Was I going to glue to the TV and hold onto every word in hopes of an answer? Was I going to let my phone distract me from a conversation with my son? A paddle with my other son and husband? A sit down at the kitchen table with the "oldest one" son and his girlfriend?

No. I was going to DEFINE each moment, each second with my own thoughts, actions and reactions. Vowing not to let any thing, person or thought interfere with my intent and desire. I will not let this situation DEFINE me.


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