(Snow Canyon - part of the DOWNHILL part of the bike loop :-)

22% of the registered athletes are women.
Average age of all athletes is 37.
The average athlete has trained 18-30 hours a week for 7 months in preparation.
Over 700 athletes are first timers here (gooooood company ;-)
And me, I'm number 495 out of 2385 registered athletes.

That's the number. It's already "temporarily tatooed" with spray ink and stencils all over my body. Won't be catching any rays with these numbers on - I'd be wearing them all summer.

Athlete check in took about an hour today, then another 1 1/2 hours to get body marked (that's your race number on your arms and age as of 12/31 on your left calf). Met some interesting folks - and saw lots more ;-) I got a five mile run in before we went - and truly felt the altitude difference. My heart rate averaged about 10bpm more than it normally does, which tells me output on race day will be a little slower to accommodate the higher heart rate and elevation. But you know what??? Steve ran with me - for about 13 minutes. Thought he was having an asthma attack. :-) The scenery is well worth the compromised speed! Staying "1D" or "2D" to take in these sights will be a scenic tour! This country is truly one of God's canvases.

The tri starts about 22 miles outside of town at Sand Hollow Reservoir; we then ride the 22 miles to the "loop" through Snow Canyon. We ride this two times. It encompasses lava fields (yes! volcanoes through black lava throughout this entire area) red rock, white rock, towering rocks, open cattle ranges and small town charm. There's a switchback affectionately known as "The Wall" and then a bombing 17 mile ride downhill to complete the loop. If the wind's blowing (and when hasn't it??) the 17 miles is notoriously a faux climb as it's open range and takes the wind head on. But regardless, just seeing the yellow signs with that little truck on the upside down triangle makes you feel good knowing you're on the way back down from a total of 4500 feet of climbing.

Now the run...well, nothing's flat. It's two out and backs through town then out "Red Hills Parkway" - yup, red HILLS up and down to the turnaround (not to mention the two .25 mile culdesacs and off road park adventures you do an out and back into to add extra distance to make it 26.2 miles - a race directors logistical blessing to find those!) A total of 2500 feet climbing for the marathon.

Oh, and the water's warmed up. Officially 59 degrees tonight. Thanks for those prayers ;-)


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