Where Is Jack?

Meet Jack. Coltyn gave him to me for Christmas - because I did not have a stuffed animal to sleep with (like the 47 "babies" in his bed) and he felt badly for me. So shopping with Boo Boo (surprise, surprise) he came home with a snowman that he and Boo Boo found the day after Christmas half price sale (surprise, surprise).

Well, Jack's been every where with us since his arrival on December 26. Camping, supercross races; I even woke up in the hospital in January and found him tucked under the covers with me. You can imagine the nurse's surprise when she dove under the covers in recovery to check my hysterectomy procedure and found a stuffed snowman. "Uh, this is Jack," I drooled to her.

So now Jack's in Utah and will be sending shout out's to Coltyn - and YOU!

This is Jack in the lava fields before getting to Snow Canyon - about 27 miles into the bike ride. Smile, Jack!


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