
Over and done. And kind of like childbirth, I'm not ready to have another any time soon :-) But mission IMTx accomplished, kind of. The swim was a "train wreck". It took me 15-20 minutes longer than it should have (1:27). The lake (which felt like a pool with its concrete sides around the entire thing) was so narrow that I swam armpit to armpit with guys the entire time - and didn't get anywhere. It was like swimming 2700 abreast down a pool then making an arching turn and heading back and then all funneling into a canal 1/8 the width of the lake. Nice. Kicked. Swam on top of. Goggles knocked off twice. Treading water too many times because there was no where to swim. But everyone's times were "off" unless you were a pro or a sprinter in the lead of the pack. Swimming in the canal was kind of cool though (unless you were one of the many folks walking it and getting goosed from behind by those of us swimming because the water was so murky you couldn't...