You Know You Love When It Hurts

A few months ago I was riding my bike just after dawn and I saw a bird in the road that had recently been hit. Right before I got to it, another bird swooped down and was pulling at its wing like it was trying to move it off the road. The other bird was lifeless and couldn't help, but the living bird was determined and got it to the curb. I was amazed at what I saw...but kept riding.

Wednesday I was driving on one of my favorite roads around Lake Travis when ahead of me I saw a crumbled little mass of feathers lying in the road. Beside it was a frantic bird, pulling, tugging, jumping, trying frantically to get the other bird to get up, do something. This time it broke my heart.

I thought the first time I saw a bird do this it was a fluke. But seeing it the second time knotted my throat, clouded my eyes and quite honestly, took my breath away. I had to make a conscious effort to pull it together before I arrived at my destination. It made me realize that "even the birds do it". Whether its instinct, commitment or love, they care enough about another to not want to let it go.

The vision of the birds still haunts me, but I hope what it made me contemplate never leaves me. Being a companion - or loving - someone or something can be painful. But that's the catch, isn't it, because then you know you have truly loved.

Happy 22nd Anniversary, Steve.


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