Finding a New North

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My friend, Sammie - Resilient. Strong. Recalibrating.

My word to anchor in today to #beresilient is


I have a sweet friend, a third my age, who has taught me a lot this year. I didn’t realize just how much until I saw the following “previously run” story on the Today Show this morning (see it here). I am quite sure it was not by accident, as I am not a believer in true coincidence. 

“So how did you get back into water skiing?” the reporter asked, and from the other room my interest was immediately peaked. I, a water skier since age five and competitive three event and then show skier since sweet 16 - and still an avid lover of the sport, always tune into a good water ski conversation.

I walked into the room to check it out and the story got better - the interviewee was “signing”. She was deaf. “I grew up water skiing and loved it," she said. "And when I lost my hearing I thought I’d never go back to it again." But she did.

I was lured deeper into this story of Karen Putz as they showed her tandem barefooting, a deep water start,  and then doing tumble turns. Respectable. This gal was more than a weekend warrior; I could immediately relate to her love of the sport on a much more immersive level.

Karen Putz's Blog
Karen Putz recalibrating her passion.

I was captivated by her story; on the edge of my seat. The old photos they showed, the signing with passion that you could "read" between the lines. The same fire flickered in my soul, as it does with many of my Blue Mind friends. But this woman had her "love" taken away when a water ski fall in her early teens left her completely deaf. However, years later she realized it wasn't the sport, but a rare medical situation that also eventually took away many family members’ hearing. And Karen's life took an alternative trajectory to learn to live with this new form of her previous self.


She attended special needs school. Met her husband there. Had three children. She had RECALIBRATED her life. Then decades later she saw a story about another female barefooter - that inspired her to return to her passion. With some help, at a much older age, she got back on the water. Without her hearing. Overcoming a fear. Finding a renewed love in a much different way. For something she never thought she would do again. Rekindling that wistful relationship decades later. Her life had gone through many chapters, but the love for what she had experienced as a youth never left her soul. As her book of life turned the pages, she's now grown to a new stage of life, harnessed her past experiences and loves, kept her face to the sunshine and now has a new goal: to barefoot in all 50 states.


Which then reminded me of my friend, Sammie. A barefooter. Big dreams. Tons of training. Unlimited dedication. Driven. Eager to serve our country, Sammie also enlisted in the Navy, knowing she will be attending boot camp this summer. A timeline that left her even more anxious to check some personal goals off her list. And she did; many were accomplished. Actually, all were that Sammie had within her control. Her work ethic. A+. Her commitment. A+. Her perseverance. A+. Qualifying for a World competition. A+. But then the dream of traveling to Australia for that event swiped by C19. 

“Ok. I got this, she said. I'll just work at my job as much as possible to earn extra money, barefoot for fun and enjoy life here on Lake Austin. Nope. No job. Laid off.


"I understand the situation. I’ll go back to Wisconsin and visit my mom before Boot Camp.” Days later, in tears, “Mom has C19 - not going.”


“Maybe I’ll go visit my sister, my aunt.” No. They have the virus, too.


Sammie’s story is not unique. The stories are countless of individuals who have had to RECALIBRATE. My son's a high school senior. “Best year of my life!” he would say. Friends, senior mission trip to Portugal, prom, high school graduation. None of which are now happening.


Spring, summer, travel...I’m in the wellness and hospitality industry. One month ago I was on a press trip promoting one of the most accomplished years and busiest seasons for the property. Today the property is temporarily closed, we are all laid off, looking for renewed purpose and use of passions during this chapter.

Personally, I've reframed it as a challenge to see where I can grow, what I can learn, what items had fallen off my "wish I had time to do" list that now I can reintroduce into my life. Life hasn't been taken away; it's just a different direction on the compass for now.




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