To #beresilient today, I'm anchoring in the word Mirror The photo is not one, but rather my image on the water this morning. Nature's Mirror, if you will. It's interesting, the silhouette, the reflection, the profile is the same. It doesn't matter if I'm 50 or 20 - it's still the same body, virtually the same shape, the same person. But today when I looked at it, I saw the "other" me. The one that I left behind, quit listening to, gave up on, quite honestly, forgot, after all this time. It's been years since we disconnected. Frankly, I'm not even sure I could tell you when it happened. Perhaps when there were parts of my life that I was ready to leave behind, to grow away from, use as a foundation and never look back. I didn't intentionally leave "me" behind, I just unconsciously separated and off I grew. But did I really grow? Would I have blossomed more if I had brought her along? Spent a bit more time sitting, wonder...